Farm Today…Yours Tomorrow!
Yarnick’s Farm is where advanced, innovative farming techniques meet good old fashioned farm know-how to create the highest quality, best tasting vegetables and beef available anywhere! Dan has adapted some fairly high tech farming methods which allow Yarnick’s Farm to have vine ripened tomatoes 10 months out of the year and the earliest, freshest, sweetest corn a full month before other area farms.
In The Greenhouses
Yarnick’s Farm is well known for their true, vine-ripened tomatoes that “taste like a tomato should taste.” They grow their tomatoes, and other vegetables like cucumbers, eggplant, bib lettuce and hot peppers, hydroponically. Hydroponic means that they are grown without soil in a nutrient-rich water solution in a controlled environment.
The plants are grown from seeds in the starter greenhouse and “graduate” to the hydroponic greenhouse as seedlings. Seedlings are planted in a sterile rock wool made from melted igneous rock. A computer-controlled system provides water and a changing formula of nutrients to the plants through small plastic tubes. Each plant is pruned to a single leader that is trained to grow up and down a string and can grow to as much as 40 feet in length!